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Friday, October 18, 2013

Another Package! (Life is Good)

Surprisingly, this is the first time I'm going to admit it, (it won't be the last) I seem to have a problem. A big problem. This problem comes in the form of buying extremely well-priced lots of miniatures! Now, I realize this problem isn't as bad as some issues I could have, but it certainly hurts me (in a good way) to have too many miniatures and not enough time to paint!


Anyway, here is the lot of 12 Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Space Marines that I bought on Tuesday and teceived today (Friday).

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Not Exactly a Battle Report...

I got a great little game of 40K in yesterday! My friend and I decided to play a "Casual Kill Teams" game, where we just tried to kill more of our opponent's models. The game pitted his Chaos Daemons against my Space Wolves. I ended up winning, mainly because I destroyed enough models that he wasn't able to take out my Dreadnought. Anyway, it was a great way for me to use my few models in a friendly game! (He would have won had we not dropped a very important rule!)


Monday, October 7, 2013

New Phone

This weekend, I received my new phone. This means I'll be able to post pictures much more quickly and easily! So, you can expect plenty of pictures from now on and even more detailed pictures in battle reports. (I think it's about time for another battle report!)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sponsor Updates

Hello, I hope you all remember Blue Table Painting, my latest sponsor. Anyway, after the two weeks of "testing out" a banner on Creative Wargaming, they've decided to extend the period of the banner on here to two months! This I'm grateful for, and I'm really happy with their customer service, so I'd like to give them an official welcome to the blog!

                                 Welcome Blue Table Painting!