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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving/Thursday!

I just wanted to wish all of my American readers a happy Thanksgiving! And, to the rest of the world, happy Thursday! Thanks for being such awesome fans!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sponsor Order (Late)

Alright, alright, my apologies! So, it turns out that my order from Noble Knight Games came on Friday, but I'm posting this on Tuesday. Anyway, now that I've apologized, I can show you what I got for my wargaming (and hobby)!


So, I got a Vindicator for my Space Wolves army and a pack of Raven-B drop ships from Dropzone Commander by Hawk Wargames (hawkwargames.co.uk) just to see how they looked. Now, this is my first time building a large vehicle like the Vindicator, so I'm kind of having some trouble deciding whether or not I'm going to magnetize it. Well, I'll get it figured ou soon.


Here's a close-up of the Raven-B blister.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hi, everyone, I just wanted to let you know that last night I place an order at Noble Knight Games (one of my sponsors) and was VERY impressed with how easy it was to order. They have such a large inventory and really low prices that you should just check them out!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hey, everyone, I just thought I should advertise for Noble Knight Games a little today. For a limited time only, they're offering 10% off of their already low prices! Check out nobleknight.com for further details.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Awesome Weekend!

Hey, all, I hope you've all had a good weekend. I sure did! On Friday, I got a game of the out-of-print Battlefleet Gothic (we used proxies) and a 750-point game of Warhammer 40,000 in at my local gaming store while we enjoyed a Pizza-and-Game night! Then, on Saturday, I did a decent amount of rules reading for the other armies and the advanced rules of Battlefleet Gothic. Finally, over the weekend, I've been doing some research on the upcoming Tyranids Codex Release. Even though I don't play Tyranids, I'm actually very excited for this release! 

(Side note: I find it funny that I paint miniatures Monday-Friday and then rest on the weekends! It happens every week!)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mini Goes Everywhere (November 6, 2013)

The first snow of the season. Clearly the Endless Night Chaos Space Marine Chapter doesn't have a problem with winter:


Lot of News!

Hey, all. I have quite a bit of news to share with you this evening. First, I'm planning on launching my Warhammer 40K Progress Log (Plog) this week. "The Galaxy is Prey" can be found at galaxyisprey40k.blogspot.com. Please check it out! 

Also, I'm starting an interesting new series on Creative Wargaming. This series is called "Mini Goes Everywhere" and it is essentially me taking pictures of a certain 40K miniature that I hope to make into a sort of mascot for the blog. I'm not only going to post wargaming expeditions, but pictures of all kinds of locations! You'll be able to tell that a post is a part of the series because the title will be Mini Goes Everywhere (xx/xx/xxxx) the Xs being the date. I can't say how long I will post on this series, but I hope to be posting at least once a week. Remember, this series is purely for fun, and will probably bore most of my readers! :)

Friday, November 1, 2013


Welcome the Phantom Capsule Rematch! This time I was playing alone, with a map of much more dense terrain (I used my favorite paint bottles and some building toys), but the same enemies. Here is the deployment: (we started 24" apart). The turn status is written above each picture.


The first turn was spent moving up.


Turn Two saw some actual fighting, with my Cradle team firing at the Nuckelavee monster and dealing 6 points of damage!


On Turn Three, the Cradle Team split up while Nuckelavee inched towards the objective and the Cherubile began to group up.


Both Cradle units fell back on Turn Four, adjusting their speed to be faster than the Nuckelavee, resulting in the Nuckelavee chasing one of them and the Chreubile successfully grouping up.


My left Cradle unit body-checked, then punched the Nuckelavee on Turn Five, dealing a massive amount of damage and killing it. Unfortunately, this left my unit with only a shield to protect it from harm. Meanwhile, my other unit fired with its Burst Gun and injured a Cherubile which is hidden from the camera's view.


Turn Six saw my units becoming bold, the left one sustaining heavy alien fire and still managing to get a body-check and a punch in, destroying the Cherubile's shield, injuring it and leaving it open to attack from my other unit.


On Turn Seven, I won! My units managed to live through that wave of the alien invasion and even emerge victorious!


Once again, I had a lot of fun and I think next time I do a Battle Report for Phantom Capsule, I'm going to add another monster. That should add to the challenge! But, my Cradle units won't be without help! Anyway, thanks for reading!