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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Creative Wargaming 2013: The Year in Review

Well, this will officially be my last post for the year, so thank you all for staying with me and reading my blog! I honestly never thought it would get this far! I also want to thank my sponsors, Noble Knight Games and Blue Table Painting. Finally, before I finish for 2013, I wanted to put some of my favorite moments of Creative Wargaming in 2013.

March: Started blogging on Creative Wargaming.

April-May: Discovered and began playing Flipit Paper Combat. Posted my first Battle report. Acquired a lot of Mechwarrior miniatures.

June-July: Began work on a homemade wargame, which still isn't completed.

August: Began playing and collecting Warhammer 40,000.

September-October: Was introduced to the Warhammer 40,000 community and game stores in general.

November-December: Took a lengthy break from wargaming to play a couple of my favorite TCGs.

Once again, thank you to everyone and I'll see you next year!


Friday, December 20, 2013

I'm Back!

No, I wasn't on a vacation! I simply took a break from wargaming in order to enjoy a bit of TCG fun! But, now I'm back! On Wednesday, (today is Friday) I played a crazy 1v1v1 death match of Flipit Paper Combat. Unfortunately, I kind of got destroyed! But, you win some, you lose some, no? Anyway, since it's almost Christmas Break, I'm looking forward to work and (hopefully) some wargaming! Thanks for staying with me while I took a break!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Early Christmas Presents?

Hey, everyone, two nights ago, I met a friend at a local gaming store and was given these sweet 40K gifts! A well-assembled Ork Trukk and a boxed set of Ork Warbikers! Now I really have my hands full!


In other news, I've been having a lot of fun playing a couple card games, like the Pokemon TCG and the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. THAT is the reason I haven't been posting lately. Shameful, isn't it? The head of Creative Wargaming isn't playing a wargame?! Well, don't worry! Just today I finished painting one of my miniatures!