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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm Back!

Well, I'm happy to say that I have recovered and I'm ready for my vacation! Luckily, my friend who also plays 40K will be with me! So, I'll be able talk about it and ask questions without sounding too absurd. Sadly, I won't actually be taking my army with me, because it's just too much of a hassle to get into a suitcase and transport it safely. 

In other news, it's been warmer outside lately, so I went out and took some pictures of some of my Orks in the grass. I apologize for the sun kind of messing with the photo, but you can still tell what's going on. Tell me what you think!


Thursday, April 17, 2014

What a Bummer...

Well, first, sorry for not posting lately, but I really haven't been doing much. This week was supposed to be relaxing and a good time to paint, but instead I've been sick for most of it. This has really had me "in the dumps" and, hence, I haven't done much. So, all I can say is that I hope to recover quickly and to start posting again! Thanks for sticking with me!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Quick Question

Well, now that the Adepticon madness is over, (I didn't actually go, but I heard a lot about it) I wanted to ask my faithful readers a question. Did you go to Adepticon and if you did, what was your favorite event or game? I'd love to see some reader participation, so comment below!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What's Happening?

Good question. What's happening? Well, sadly, not much. I've been doing a bit of painting, getting miniatures ready for future games. Also, I've been playing a lot of fun card games.

Lately, in fact, I've been considering a secondary gaming blog to use as a support for Creative Wargaming. Basically, this blog would contain a bunch of rather miscellaneous posts that would not just be wargaming-related. In this way, I would continue to post on that blog even if I hadn't done any wargaming that week. Now, I don't mean for this blog to overshadow Creative Wargaming, but to have interesting posts on it about other types of games and to keep the readers with me while I prepare the next post for Creative Wargaming. Remember, I'm still considering this, so I have no idea if I'll do it or not, but its a thought! I'll try to keep you updated!

As always thanks for reading and happy wargaming!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

App Review #1: Battlescribe

So, today I'll be doing my first wargaming application review! For my on-the-go list building, I use Battlescribe on my iPhone! Battlescribe is great for people who play several different games, because it has so many list builders that can be added to the app for free. For example, if I played both Warmachine and X-Wing, there are downloads for that! Now, no list builder is perfect and I have had some minor problems with Battlescribe, but it's certainly one of the best list builders around! Plus, can you take army builder everywhere you go? Uh-uh! 

However, just being portable and versatile doesn't make a great application a great application! What is really neat about Battlescribe is its list printer option! With this, you can print out or email a detailed army list at the touch of a button! This app easily matches and even beats the quality of other army builders!

To wrap up this little review, I strongly suggest you go to the App Store right now and download Battlescribe! Even if you just want to play around with a list, it's incredibly fast and easy to use. As always, happy wargaming!