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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thank You!

Well, I know it's a little late, but since it was just Memorial Day in the United States, I thought I'd say a quick thank-you to all those who have served or are serving in the military. Thank you for keeping us safe!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

What is Wargaming?

So, what do you think "wargaming" is? Is it strictly tabletop games with miniatures and rolling dice? Let's find out!

In military terms, "wargames" are combat simulations used to emulate or reenact real battles or situations. Soldiers gain far more from real experience than from a textbook, after all. This means that the tabletop combat idea is not far off from military wargames. However, in most popular collectible card games (Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh!) two players are also doing battle! Does this mean that card games are "combat simulations" as well? I believe so. I think that as a "wargamer" you can enjoy tabletop games, card games or both!

That's how I feel about "wargaming"! Now, this doesn't mean I will not make CCG-specific blog, but I did want to show how similar the two kinds of games are. As always, thanks for reading!

Friday, May 23, 2014

7th Edition 40K?

Well, I'll admit I was surprised by the sudden coming of 7th Edition Warhammer 40,000! However, I haven't really decided if it's a bad thing. However, it will be weird to get into a new edition since I'm still shaky on some 6th Edition rules. Anyway, here are some of the things I find fun (from rumors) in the new rules:

Unbound Armies: I like the way GW chose to open up the doors for some peoples' collections! I think it's a neat idea and it should result in some awesome games! (Army of Land Raiders anyone?) Also, I think it's going to be balenced by some bonouses for the armies that still use the chart.

New Psychic Powers: I'm ashamed to admit that I never tried to take Psychic powers from the rulebook, I just took them from my codex. Even so, I just like the idea of new powers and possibly even a Psychic Phase! (I could never figure out when I was supposed to use certain powers!)

A New Allies Chart: Yes! I'm so excited for this! I always liked the idea of playing several armies and now I might have more choices! I hope my Space Puppies get some good allies!

Thanks for reading my thoughts on the upcoming 7th Edition! (Why does the rulebook have to cost $85?! That's close to a 75% increase!)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

One Good Weekend!

Hey, all, I hope you had a good weekend! I sure did! On Friday, I had an awesome game of Bandits High with two of my friends! Here's a picture of deployment:


I deployed in the bottom, left-hand corner. The game got crazy immediately! Four planes were destroyed in the first game turn! Here is a picture of the finished movement phase before any shooting was done: 


Yeah, so I'll let this picture speak for itself!

In non-wargaming news, I did a fair amount of video game recording to put on YouTube and learned a bit about video editing. Who knows, it could come in handy sometime!

Monday, May 12, 2014


Haha! I forgot to add this interesting detail to a previous post, so here it is now! Before I left on vacation, I managed to sell my Dropzone Commander Raven-B dropships! I sold them because I haven't done a single thing with them for months! It was just the logical thing thing to do. Plus, the buyer gave me a Necron to add to my collection! So, meet the blog's new mascot, Nim the Necron!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Back From Vacation

Hi, everyone! I'm back from my work/vacation! So, you must be wondering, "what's been going on lately?" 

Well, sadly, Miniature Market has cancelled their sponsorship contract. We hope that they will change their mind in the future, but in the meantime, the banner will be taken down. In other news, the Mobile Frame Zero 002: Alpha Bandit Kickstarter was successfully funded! So, now we have a LEGO, space-based wargame! You can bet I'll be building ships for it soon! So, happy wargaming and have a great day!