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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Creative Wargaming 2013: The Year in Review

Well, this will officially be my last post for the year, so thank you all for staying with me and reading my blog! I honestly never thought it would get this far! I also want to thank my sponsors, Noble Knight Games and Blue Table Painting. Finally, before I finish for 2013, I wanted to put some of my favorite moments of Creative Wargaming in 2013.

March: Started blogging on Creative Wargaming.

April-May: Discovered and began playing Flipit Paper Combat. Posted my first Battle report. Acquired a lot of Mechwarrior miniatures.

June-July: Began work on a homemade wargame, which still isn't completed.

August: Began playing and collecting Warhammer 40,000.

September-October: Was introduced to the Warhammer 40,000 community and game stores in general.

November-December: Took a lengthy break from wargaming to play a couple of my favorite TCGs.

Once again, thank you to everyone and I'll see you next year!


Friday, December 20, 2013

I'm Back!

No, I wasn't on a vacation! I simply took a break from wargaming in order to enjoy a bit of TCG fun! But, now I'm back! On Wednesday, (today is Friday) I played a crazy 1v1v1 death match of Flipit Paper Combat. Unfortunately, I kind of got destroyed! But, you win some, you lose some, no? Anyway, since it's almost Christmas Break, I'm looking forward to work and (hopefully) some wargaming! Thanks for staying with me while I took a break!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Early Christmas Presents?

Hey, everyone, two nights ago, I met a friend at a local gaming store and was given these sweet 40K gifts! A well-assembled Ork Trukk and a boxed set of Ork Warbikers! Now I really have my hands full!


In other news, I've been having a lot of fun playing a couple card games, like the Pokemon TCG and the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. THAT is the reason I haven't been posting lately. Shameful, isn't it? The head of Creative Wargaming isn't playing a wargame?! Well, don't worry! Just today I finished painting one of my miniatures!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving/Thursday!

I just wanted to wish all of my American readers a happy Thanksgiving! And, to the rest of the world, happy Thursday! Thanks for being such awesome fans!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sponsor Order (Late)

Alright, alright, my apologies! So, it turns out that my order from Noble Knight Games came on Friday, but I'm posting this on Tuesday. Anyway, now that I've apologized, I can show you what I got for my wargaming (and hobby)!


So, I got a Vindicator for my Space Wolves army and a pack of Raven-B drop ships from Dropzone Commander by Hawk Wargames (hawkwargames.co.uk) just to see how they looked. Now, this is my first time building a large vehicle like the Vindicator, so I'm kind of having some trouble deciding whether or not I'm going to magnetize it. Well, I'll get it figured ou soon.


Here's a close-up of the Raven-B blister.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hi, everyone, I just wanted to let you know that last night I place an order at Noble Knight Games (one of my sponsors) and was VERY impressed with how easy it was to order. They have such a large inventory and really low prices that you should just check them out!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hey, everyone, I just thought I should advertise for Noble Knight Games a little today. For a limited time only, they're offering 10% off of their already low prices! Check out nobleknight.com for further details.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Awesome Weekend!

Hey, all, I hope you've all had a good weekend. I sure did! On Friday, I got a game of the out-of-print Battlefleet Gothic (we used proxies) and a 750-point game of Warhammer 40,000 in at my local gaming store while we enjoyed a Pizza-and-Game night! Then, on Saturday, I did a decent amount of rules reading for the other armies and the advanced rules of Battlefleet Gothic. Finally, over the weekend, I've been doing some research on the upcoming Tyranids Codex Release. Even though I don't play Tyranids, I'm actually very excited for this release! 

(Side note: I find it funny that I paint miniatures Monday-Friday and then rest on the weekends! It happens every week!)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mini Goes Everywhere (November 6, 2013)

The first snow of the season. Clearly the Endless Night Chaos Space Marine Chapter doesn't have a problem with winter:


Lot of News!

Hey, all. I have quite a bit of news to share with you this evening. First, I'm planning on launching my Warhammer 40K Progress Log (Plog) this week. "The Galaxy is Prey" can be found at galaxyisprey40k.blogspot.com. Please check it out! 

Also, I'm starting an interesting new series on Creative Wargaming. This series is called "Mini Goes Everywhere" and it is essentially me taking pictures of a certain 40K miniature that I hope to make into a sort of mascot for the blog. I'm not only going to post wargaming expeditions, but pictures of all kinds of locations! You'll be able to tell that a post is a part of the series because the title will be Mini Goes Everywhere (xx/xx/xxxx) the Xs being the date. I can't say how long I will post on this series, but I hope to be posting at least once a week. Remember, this series is purely for fun, and will probably bore most of my readers! :)

Friday, November 1, 2013


Welcome the Phantom Capsule Rematch! This time I was playing alone, with a map of much more dense terrain (I used my favorite paint bottles and some building toys), but the same enemies. Here is the deployment: (we started 24" apart). The turn status is written above each picture.


The first turn was spent moving up.


Turn Two saw some actual fighting, with my Cradle team firing at the Nuckelavee monster and dealing 6 points of damage!


On Turn Three, the Cradle Team split up while Nuckelavee inched towards the objective and the Cherubile began to group up.


Both Cradle units fell back on Turn Four, adjusting their speed to be faster than the Nuckelavee, resulting in the Nuckelavee chasing one of them and the Chreubile successfully grouping up.


My left Cradle unit body-checked, then punched the Nuckelavee on Turn Five, dealing a massive amount of damage and killing it. Unfortunately, this left my unit with only a shield to protect it from harm. Meanwhile, my other unit fired with its Burst Gun and injured a Cherubile which is hidden from the camera's view.


Turn Six saw my units becoming bold, the left one sustaining heavy alien fire and still managing to get a body-check and a punch in, destroying the Cherubile's shield, injuring it and leaving it open to attack from my other unit.


On Turn Seven, I won! My units managed to live through that wave of the alien invasion and even emerge victorious!


Once again, I had a lot of fun and I think next time I do a Battle Report for Phantom Capsule, I'm going to add another monster. That should add to the challenge! But, my Cradle units won't be without help! Anyway, thanks for reading!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Another Package! (Life is Good)

Surprisingly, this is the first time I'm going to admit it, (it won't be the last) I seem to have a problem. A big problem. This problem comes in the form of buying extremely well-priced lots of miniatures! Now, I realize this problem isn't as bad as some issues I could have, but it certainly hurts me (in a good way) to have too many miniatures and not enough time to paint!


Anyway, here is the lot of 12 Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Space Marines that I bought on Tuesday and teceived today (Friday).

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Not Exactly a Battle Report...

I got a great little game of 40K in yesterday! My friend and I decided to play a "Casual Kill Teams" game, where we just tried to kill more of our opponent's models. The game pitted his Chaos Daemons against my Space Wolves. I ended up winning, mainly because I destroyed enough models that he wasn't able to take out my Dreadnought. Anyway, it was a great way for me to use my few models in a friendly game! (He would have won had we not dropped a very important rule!)


Monday, October 7, 2013

New Phone

This weekend, I received my new phone. This means I'll be able to post pictures much more quickly and easily! So, you can expect plenty of pictures from now on and even more detailed pictures in battle reports. (I think it's about time for another battle report!)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sponsor Updates

Hello, I hope you all remember Blue Table Painting, my latest sponsor. Anyway, after the two weeks of "testing out" a banner on Creative Wargaming, they've decided to extend the period of the banner on here to two months! This I'm grateful for, and I'm really happy with their customer service, so I'd like to give them an official welcome to the blog!

                                 Welcome Blue Table Painting!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Hi everyone! Two days ago, (09/19/13) I received some sweet wargaming items in the mail! To add to my Warhammer 40,000 collection I got:

One metal Tyranid Hive Tyrant and 3 metal Tyrant Guard.


Two random bags of bits, one containing Dark Angels Ravenwing bits and the other containing Tyranids bits,

And two codexes, the Tyranids Codex and the Space Wolves Codex.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another Sponsor!

As you may have noticed, another picture has been added to the side of this blog. Well, that's because Blue Table Painting has joined my list of sponsors. Although they are currently "trying out" a banner here, we give them a warm welcome and hope that they will stay for a while. Anyway, make sure you check out bluetablepainting.com and bluetablepaintingstore.com for their amazing painting service and fantastic store!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Blog!

Well, I've decided that, because of the overwhelming amount of fun that modeling and playing Warhammer 40,000 has been, I'm going to start a new blog, mainly so that I don't steer away from the main concept of this blog, which is supposed to be about finding, buying and playing wargames. Now, yes, this blog will still contain updates from my 40K life, (battle reports, unboxings, mail) but it won't turn into my personal 40K page, like it was about to. This blog should launch in the next week or two, so don't go looking for it just yet! Also, it's bound to happen that this blog and my new blog will have some curiously similar posts, but that's hard to avoid. Anyway, my goal is to not stop posting on this blog, but you must understand how hard it can be to maintain both blogs. Thank you to all of my viewers! (and my sponsor, Noble Knight Games)

Monday, September 9, 2013

MORE 40K!!!

Okay, as the name suggests, I'm loving Warhammer 40,000! It's a great game, plus, I have some friends who play it. I have done quite a bit of painting in the past week or two and have played a countless amount of games. So, now that I'm into the game, I need some more figures! To be continued...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Progress On 40K

Well, 30 miniatures and one bottle of super glue later, I've completed the Troop choices from the starter set and actually managed to try a few games! My goal for today is to begin painting one of the twenty Ork Boyz included in the set! If it goes well, I should be posting about it in the next couple days.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Warhammer 40K Starter Set Unboxing+Extras!

Wow! The starter set came a little sooner than expected! Anyway, I'd say it's time for an unboxing!

The starter set has an impressive box, with an epic battle going on between the Space Marines and the Orks. The back of the box features the two well-painted armies, along with the contents of the kit. Besides it not being the most recent starter set, I would say that the box is able, if not sturdy, enough to hold this kit, although there was some warping in the cardboard even though the pack was factory sealed.                      


The box contained plenty of awesome-looking miniatures, with both sides having sizable forces. The Space Marine army included: 1 Captain, 9 Tactical Marines and 1 Tactical Sergeant, 4 Terminators and 1 Terminator Sergeant and 1 Dreadnought.


The Ork army included: 1 Warboss, 5 Nobz, 20 Ork Boyz and 3 Deffkoptas.


There were several accessories, perfect for new players. Templates and bases were ideal and there were added measuring sticks.


The "Read This First" guide and the old 5th Edition rules came in the kit. A lot of transfers were included for unit customizing the miniatures. 


All things considered, this starter set is a great way to get into the Warhammer 40K universe, even though it's not most recent starter set. I think that it could easily be used to expand a collection, or simply supply some great, easy-to-build miniatures.

 Also, the extra that I got this week, was a set of 100 tiny Rare-Earth Magnets from China! I got these for $3, with free shipping! Can't wait to find a use for these! (Being that the starter set is snap-together, magnetizing would take cutting, which I don't feel ready for, at this time.)


Monday, August 19, 2013

Some Goodies!

Hi, faithful viewers! I was able to pick up a few treats off of Craigslist today! I was able to grab a 6th Edition Warhammer 40K Space Marine Codex, along with 5 Assault Marines and 5 Tactical Marines for just $30! Plus, I have a 40K Out-Of-Print Assault on Black Reach starter set coming in the mail! I am so looking forward to building, painting and magnetizing these sweet-looking miniatures!

Monday, August 12, 2013


Creative Wargaming is now on Facebook! Feel free to friend me or comment on my Creative Wargaming page! I'd love hear what everyone thinks of my blog!

Friday, August 9, 2013

One Thing After Another

Well, although I had thought I could relax after finishing my fair project, I was quite wrong. Between working at my part-time job and still trying to spend some time with my family life really has been crazy. Now, this doesn't mean that I'm not going to post any more, but I am just giving you a fair warning that I may not be on any time soon. Thanks for still being faithful readers while I'm busy!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Nice Tape Measure

So, as I was shopping at Ikea a few nights ago, I noticed the tape measures in a bin as I walked downstairs. I picked one up and noticed the price on the side of the bin. Only a $1.29! I was getting one for sure! So, for you wargamers looking for a 10 foot tape measure, look no more! If there's an Ikea near you, head over there and pick up a tape measure!


Monday, July 29, 2013


Hey all, I have great news! Creative Wargaming is now officially sponsored by Noble Knight Games! Use the site address above or the link here: nobleknight.com. I have to say, everyone at Noble Knight Games was really nice about this whole deal and I look forward to a year of having that banner up. Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

Having looked over their site, I strongly encourage you to check it out. "Where out-of-print is available again" is their motto and they certainly stick to it! I've seen many iconic wargames and miniatures games, new and old, on the site. In fact, they may carry games that no other store does!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Busy Life

Okay, I've been pretty busy lately, really I have! Between working on my game and my project for my county fair, it's been tough to think about blogging. Anyway, I have almost half of the unit stat cards finished and the unit templates are done. So, when I finish the stat cards, I'll move on to the most daunting part of the game: The rules!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Test Builds Completed!

Okay, well, I got the test-builds completed a little quicker than I had expected and they actually look pretty good! However, I do have a few adjustments and fill-ins that need to be done. Anyway, here is a picture of the so far nameless human defense force. Personally, I have very little work to do on them, I simply would like to remove the small cannons. They're just too small to look good on the miniature!


Next, we have a picture of the heavily bug-based alien invaders. Their goal is basically to devour our world. Nice creatures, huh? These bugs have been the troublemakers for me, mainly because I can't draw organic creatures. After a few touch-ups, though, I think they'll look great!


Finally, I created a little scene to simulate a skirmish. Caption: A small human defense strike force meets an angry bug patrol during their attack.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Another Milestone

Well, my busy week over, I was delighted to see that Creative Wargaming had reached 300 views! This was my recently set views goal for July, so it pleases me to have reached it. I thank all of my viewers for this accomplishment and I hope that many viewers will begin to follow Creative Wargaming. Also, I've begun to test-build my units for my game, so I should get some pictures up in the first half of this week.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Solid Game Progress!

Okay, well, I've been working vigorously over the weekend on my game and so far I've completed a Stage 1 design for the main units. Now, I should be able to test-build these units during the week, but I will be rather busy, so it will be hard to blog about them. As a heads-up, this may be my last post for the week, because of my busy week ahead.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Game Progress

Okay, so I've completed the preliminary designs for the units; although they don't look that great, I think after a little clean-up in GIMP they'll look just fine.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to decide if I should simply sell the game or if it would be better to use Kickstarter to fund it.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Don't Get Too Excited...

Hey! It's Independence day and I can't think of a better day to announce this: I've started the design process of a game! Now, this game has been floating around in my head for a while, but I've decided to bring it into the light and look it over. However, the problem with all of my games (and I mean ALL of my games!) is that about halfway through, I tire of the project and quit. I'm going to try to stay focused by using this blog as motivation. Updates of the game will be posted over time.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

P.R.I. Hexagonal Bases

Remember Battleforce? Well, upon realizing that the standees from Pryde Rock Industries had no bases to play Battleforce with, I decided to construct my own. I made them all one piece, with a folded rectangle in the middle and half of a hexagon on each side. This allows players to easily tell where the standee is facing. In the picture are two of my hand-colored standees from P.R.I.'s Project Phoenix line. I almost think Pryde Rock Industries should feature these bases!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Unfortunate News

It's a sad day for Creative Wargaming. My request for a sponsorship from Dream Pod 9 was officially rejected. However, this is not the end of my endeavoring to get sponsorships. Although I write this with a heavy heart, I look forward to more new and exciting attempts at sponsorship.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Ahoy, maties! I recently purchased a HUGE lot of WizKids Pirates CSG ships, crew and all kinds of other stuff. And when I say HUGE, I don't mean like a fleet, I mean a whole navy! There are units from tons of different nations: America, France, Spain, Britain, Jade Rebellion, Pirates and The Cursed! I'm trying to add most of them to my Miniature Trading account, so if you want a detailed selection, just check out my profile.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pirates at Ocean's Edge Unpacking

Okay, so I'm sure some of you have heard of Pocketmodel or Constructable Strategy Games (CSG), right? So when I saw one of the Pirates at Ocean's Edge game packs at Target for only $0.99, I jumped to buy it. That was Saturday night of last week. Then, just a few nights ago, I saw another pack there. I quickly swiped up this one, too.

Okay, now that you know how I found these packs, let's explore the packaging and the contents a bit. The first thing you see when you look at the packs is easily the giant crab attacking the pirate ship. It's just unmistakeable! An odd thing about Pirates game packs is that the artwork on the front stays the same, unlike on a Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh pack which have several pack artworks per series. This was slightly disappointing, but it does give the giant crab an iconic feel for this series. Anyway, after looking over more of the packaging, I saw two things that interested me: one was the rarity colors on the side, (Red=Common, Silver=Uncommon, Gold=Rare and Black=Super Rare, to name a few) and the other was the fact that the packs were from 2007! Amazing that Target still had these! So, I'll wrap up the packaging part of the review by saying that these are easily recognizable in-store and out, so if you see the purple surrounding a crab and a boat, I encourage you to pick it up.


Next, I'll explain the contents of the packs. Each pack contains a series checklist, a basic rule and unit instructions booklet and an advanced rule book. The packs each have two ships or one ship and one sea monster, along with a terrain card and a treasure/crew card. The packs also include mini dice to play the base game with. Personally, I don't love the mini dice, so it's easier to use regular dice. Finally, the packs contain special, mail-in cards that, if it were still 2007, would be redeemable for a rare ship.

Anyway, the pack on the left included the following (not including the rules, checklist and mini die): The cards to build a 076 La Bonne Chance (Common) and the cards to build a 001 Divine Dragon (Rare). The treasure/crew card included 35 points worth of treasure, plus a Whirlpool unique treasure. On the back of the island card was a terrain feature called the "Sargasso Sea".


The pack on the right contained totally different cards: The cards to build a 087 USS Kentucky (Uncommon) and the cards to build a 074 Le Musarde (Uncommon). The treasure/crew card included 16 points worth of treasure (it was missing a treasure token) and a Shipwright crew member. On the back of the island card was a "Fog Bank" terrain feature.


So, as I have not built these ships yet, you may see finished pictures or additions to this review in the future. Now, I ask a concluding question: "Is the 'Pirates' series a wargame?" My answer would have to be NO. Although there is plenty of fighting involved, the goal of the game is to collect the most treasure. However, this could easily be changed to "Destroy the enemy fleet". Thank you for reading my unpacking. I hope you liked it!


I just need one more view to surpass my currently highest ranking blog and just 10 more to reach my views goal for March-June! Go for 200 views!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Check This Out!

In case you haven't noticed, I've been adding multiple new items to Creative Wargaming. Please enjoy my latest addition, a search bar. It's right over here >>>>

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Poll Results

Well it's time for the poll results! As it turns out, there are none! Clearly I don't have as many viewers as I thought...Anyway, this won't be the only poll, so you should see more in the future.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Battleforce, the lesser known version of Battletech, but no less fun. Anyway, I'd like you to visit Pryde Rock Industries (pryderockindustries.com) for many useful pieces and tidbits to play Battleforce and Battletech with. 

In fact, I'll be taking a recently printed set of Battleforce standees and maps to play with on my vacation. If you're lucky, you might even get to read a new battle report, made in my hotel room.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pictures at Last!

Here are the pictures of my Mechwarrior collection not counting the two mentioned in an earlier post. Enjoy my 'Mechs, Uniques, Vehicles and Infantry!




Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ask a Simple Question...

Hey! I just set up a poll regarding your favorite miniature games!

This is the part where you, the reader, helps out my blog by inputting your favorite game!

Results will be announced sometime after the poll ends.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Photo Dilemma

Well, I was going to post the pictures of my collection of Mechwarrior miniatures, but all of the images came out upside-down! So, until I get this resolved, you'll have to wait to see my collection. I did leave out two of the miniatures, however, because one of them is broken and the other is a promotional item.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Miniature Trading

Hey! I played a game of Mechwarrior Dark Age today! I and my opponent had to quit early to eat lunch, but I was clearly losing.

Anyway, I'd like to refer you to www.miniaturetrading.com. You can trade and discuss all different kinds of miniature there, including Mechwarrior! Also, if you make an account, please say that srwestlake14 referred you. It'd be great if I got some referrals to make me more popular on the site.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Great News!

My package came earlier today! When I took all of the pieces out, for a second I thought that this was more than I had bought! But seriously, the minis are in pretty good condition, with a few broken and dirty ones thrown into the mix. I'll add a picture later, with them all arranged outside of the box.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Waiting, WAITING!!

Okay, not too much has happened this week.

On Sunday, I won a 43-piece Wizkids Mechwarrior lot on Ebay so I've been waiting and waiting and waiting until it comes. I will post on the blog almost as soon as it comes.

Yesterday, I played a good, 3-person game of Flipit Paper Combat. By the 3rd turn, the battlefield was a mess!

And today, I have a short, 8-mile time trial. (I'm also a bike racer)

So, when the package comes, I will either a. Blog about it right away or b. Hide in my room with an evil grin on my face. Probably the latter.

Okay, don't forget to send games you want me to feature to my Google+ account!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Littleroller Battle Report

It's finally here! The long awaited Littleroller Battle Report!

 Turn #1: (I'm the light blue 'bot and my little brother is the darker one.) We started by taking cover behind the odd paper structure while the monsters slowly advanced.

 Turn #2: The monsters relentlessly came forward, even as we peppered Nuckelavee with shots.

 Turn #3: We split up and managed to take out one of the Cherubile. My brother targeted a different Cherubile while Nuckelavee and the last Cherubile targeted me!

Turn #4: We ran back to hide just out of range of the monsters, (You can see my robot just barely peeking out!) as they regrouped, making them much harder to fight.

Turn #5: I took out another Cherubile, but the monsters closed in on us. We would have fought back, but we were low on health and P!

Turn #6: I heroically took a hit from the Cherubile on the roof and died to protect my brother. He avenged my death by promptly jumping onto the roof and body-checking it. Meanwhile, Nuckelavee came dangerously close to the energy factory. 

Turn #7: My brother circled and tried to shoot Nuckelavee through the paper structure, (It's hollow) but realized he didn't have enough energy to use his gun!

Turn #8: Nuckelavee finally gave up on chasing my brother and decided to just attack the factory, making us lose the game!

And he finished by jumping onto the factory and posing for the camera!

Well, I hope you liked Battle Report #1! If you'd like to see more battle reports, send me an email request with a link to or a picture of the game! I would also love to feature your game, so shoot me some templates and instructions. I love to build well-drawn miniatures!

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

Sorry I haven't been posting lately!

I've been having so much fun making those Flipit Paper Combat minis, that I basically shoved that battle report to the back of my mind! I have to get that on here, SOON!

Anyway, here are a couple pictures to prove that I'm actually DOING something!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

First Battle of Flipit

Hey, everyone! I played my first game of Flipit Paper Combat (http://flipitpapercombat.com) today! I lost, but it was still great!

We played with six infantry and one transport each. We started the game rather timidly, with neither of us making much of a move. Finally, three of my infantry entered a building and stood on the roof. One by one, soldiers for both sides fell to the other factions grenades, rifles, shotguns and machine guns. The battle ended with a two-on-two rooftop battle, with both of my soldiers dying and falling off the building.

I will probably play another game soon, with less vanilla-rules and more faction abilities.

All in all, it was a great game, well worth my hard work on the miniatures.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Little Updates

Update #1: I have changed my username to "Void Star", so if I refer to myself in the third person, I'll call myself "Void Star".

Update #2: You can contact me at srwestlake14@gmail.com for anything you want me to add or subtract from the blog. I can also feature your wargame here!

Update #3: A Littleroller: Phantom Capsule battle report will be coming out soon. Check out the free printable copy right here: http://littleroller.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hi! Welcome to my blog! I created this blog because I enjoy wargaming with great rules, fantastic figures and awesome friends.

Some of the things you'll see on this blog are: Battle Reports, (turn by turn status of all sides in a game) Places to find cool miniatures and (rarely) a few of my personal works for you to print and build.

More to come soon! Hopefully I'll be able to post weekly.