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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Blog!

Well, I've decided that, because of the overwhelming amount of fun that modeling and playing Warhammer 40,000 has been, I'm going to start a new blog, mainly so that I don't steer away from the main concept of this blog, which is supposed to be about finding, buying and playing wargames. Now, yes, this blog will still contain updates from my 40K life, (battle reports, unboxings, mail) but it won't turn into my personal 40K page, like it was about to. This blog should launch in the next week or two, so don't go looking for it just yet! Also, it's bound to happen that this blog and my new blog will have some curiously similar posts, but that's hard to avoid. Anyway, my goal is to not stop posting on this blog, but you must understand how hard it can be to maintain both blogs. Thank you to all of my viewers! (and my sponsor, Noble Knight Games)

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