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Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Hello. I guess I'll begin with what's going on. Basically, I've been working extremely hard for the past couple days on an important (non-gaming) project, leaving me drained and pretty much unable to concentrate hard enough to paint or do hobby in the evening. However, I don't mind so much. I've been having fun and after all, I've had plenty of time to think about 40K and modeling in general.

Which brings me to my main topic, my previously bottled-up thoughts. So, let's begin!

Q: Is it too crazy for me to use my chaos bits and marines to start a small Word Bearers army?
A: Not necessarily, currently, I have about 25 chaos marines and I'm sure I could convert one or two into some HQ choices.

Q: Do you think the new Imperial Knights will affect the way 40K is played?
A: I would say yes, but I don't think it will change much. What I'm saying is that I don't think they will destroy the meta.

Q: Would you consider buying an Imperial Knight?
A: For 140 USD?! No way! I might convert or scratch build one, though.

So, now you've heard my not-very-detailed opinions. What do you think? Should I do more of these "personal" segments? Thanks for reading, everyone!

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