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Monday, August 4, 2014

Warhammer 40K Batrep: Throwdown in the City!

Hey, all! I played an absolutely awesome game of 40K yesterday! Let's not delay, here come the pictures! (I left the pictures at full size because I think they're cool enough to be at full size. Sorry, a few of them are kind of blurry!)

Turn 1: I get the first turn and deployment. I chose the more dense side, thinking it would give me some cover against Necron shooting. My Space Wolves move up more cautiously than my Orks, who happily ran up the right side of the board. My opponent also moved the Necron forces slowly, using his Canoptek Spiders to spawn some Scarab bases. We each took some potshots, but these were rather nonconsequencial.

Turn 2: The Space Wolves advance together, losing a Terminator to Imohtek's Lightning. The Orks are practically comical in the way that they shuffle up and try to get into charge range. My Deffkoptas continue to fire their Rokkit Launchas at the Necron transport (Doomsday Barge?) and manage to just land a glancing hit. Necron shooting was rather unsuccessful.

Turn 3: (The Orks are moving so slow!) The Vindicator (proxied) and the Dreadnought move up together and both start unleashing all off their firepower on the Immortals. My Skyclaws, who Deep Struck in turn 2, now charge a lonely band of 5 Necrons in the middle of my opponents side. The Necrons make the remaining Ork Boys disappear and a few Space Wolves fell to their fire.

Turn 4: The Space Wolves struggle to hold off the advancing enemy, doing little damage except for with the Vindicator and Long Fangs. On the Necron turn, the rest of the Ork stuff is removed from the table (the Nobs, Warboss and Deffkoptas). The Teminators lose two of their number thanks to the enemy Warlord's one-use weapon. The Rune Priest also suffers a wound from Tomb Blade shooting. My Skyclaws were utterly surrounded by the overwhelming Scarab bases, so we just decided to remove them. 

Turn 5: I did almost nothing this turn, except for the usual Vindicator, Long Fangs, Dreadnought and because I was in range, charging the enemy Warlord with my terminators. The Necrons wittle down what is left of my army, even wrecking the Vindicator. In the Necron turn of Assault, my Terminators slay the Necron Warlord, however, I'm still several Victory Points behind.

Turn 6: This is where I called the game. There was no way I could win any more and it was growing late in the day, so I conceded victory to my opponent. 

This was a great game playing with the still-new 7ed rules. We weren't totally sure on what to do with the Tactical Objectives, but we made it work! It was a great way to spend an afternoon, so thanks to my opponent and thanks to all of you for reading!

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