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Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Hey, guys, I know it's been a while since I posted last, but I absolutely had to tell you about this, despite being out of town right now.

Less than a two days (from time of originally writing this post) ago, the news for the newest Warhammer 40K Mobile Game was released. In this game, you play as an Imperial Knight, fighting alongside a chapter of Space Marines. Hopefully, (and most likely) there will be a ton of collectable items to create your own unique Imperial Knight. You can fight with both ranged and close combat weaponry. I have not yet learned whether it is an "on-rails" shooter or if you can move about the map freely, but judging by the trailer, I would guess that it is, at least, partially free movement. 

Platforms for the game include both IOS and Android, so far. It is currently unknown of the game will be Free to Play or Paid, but, judging by previous 40K Mobile Games, I would say it will be paid. 

Looking at just the screenshots provided, I have to say, the game's graphics are beautiful! The worlds have a much more grim and much less gritty feel than Warhammer 40,000 Carnage, which was a great game, just had some mediocre animations and lighting. The game is in the Knight's 3rd-person perspective, so you will be able to admire your customized Knight for most of the game.

Anyway, that's about all I can tell you about this game, but I am super excited for it! Look for it wherever you buy your apps starting this fall! (Go to freebladegame.com to learn more)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Brickwarriors Review (Without Pictures)

Even though I'm sort of on vacation, I decided to post for you guys anyway, cause I appreciate all of you and this post needs to get done.

Here I'm going to review products recently sent to me by Brickwarriors, a company that makes 3rd party LEGO minifigure accessories and weapons.

First, let's talk about shipping. They mailed my order out promptly, but it came in 5 days, when their estimate 2-4. Take what you will from this, but in my opinion, this is NOT a deal breaker in any way. The order came tightly sealed and in a bubble mailer, so there was no chance for the products inside to get damaged. 

Next, the products themselves. Brickwarriors has some awesomely detailed pieces, ranging from the Islander Mask to the Demon Armor, made of a durable and tight fitting plastic. My only complaint, however, is that they don't have that many colors to many of their products, which was a bit disappointing. I kind of understand how difficult it is for them to get different colors, though,
because of their methods of mass producing parts.

Really, Brickwarriors is a great company and I gave my honest opinion in this review, so if you don't believe me, check them out at www.brickwarriors.com and thanks to Brickwarriors for making this review possible!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Review Package

Look what I got in the mail today!

I got a package from Brickwarriors! (www.brickwarriors.com) they make awesome custom LEGO minifigure accessories that are very unique! I'm planning to inbox this package on video and then come back and write up a review for the blog, so stay tuned!

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Lately, I've been going back to one of my older hobbies, Papercraft! Papercraft is, usually, where you cut and fold flat "nets" (the proper geometric term) finally gluing the tabs to their corresponding edges. The more complex the shape, the harder it can be to close. Also, papercrafts with more parts can sometimes be easier to do then those with less parts, because with more parts, you can have much simpler shapes. 

Now, because paper and even card stock are somewhat flimsy materials, you might think papercrafts are quite delicate, and you're not entirely wrong. However, there are ways of strengthening papercrafts to make them almost as sturdy as plastic miniatures! Without going into detail, I've heard EVA foam works well, but I like cardboard because of its inexpensive and surprisingly strong structure.

There are TONS of papercrafts, ranging from Minecraft models to paper versions of Warhammer 40K miniatures, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding one that suits your hobby!
Thanks for reading and remember, it's Papercraft, not Paper Craft!

Friday, June 5, 2015


I've been constantly building a bunch of little LEGO robots for Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack! It has become kind of a zen thing for me, building when I'm bored, exhausted or just any time it seems good! At this time I've nearly completed a faction for myself and one for my friend as well. With the summer officially started for me, I think it might be the "Summer of MFZ" for me, if I can sneak a few games in over my very busy summer! Here's to hoping Summer 2015 is a summer filled with games, barbecues, swimming and whatever else you'll be doing!

The MFZ:RA "Punishment" frame I built for the Ijad (a game faction). (Name subject to change)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Well, since it's been raining all day and I've been neglecting my blogging duties, I decided to finally tell you how my MTG draft went!

So, let's just start by saying that Blue was completely open. Not a single other player had drafted Blue, so that was one of my choices almost from the start. My deck started with the color Black and I was about to move into White, when I fully realized that I could take Blue, so I did!

My first match was up against a Black/White deck that got continually land-locked. I won 3-0.

My second match was a lot tougher. I was up a against Red/White aggressive army! I managed to build a massive wall for myself and then basically force my opponent to tilt out in the first match, but in the second match, my opponent continued to fly over my wall, chipping away at my life. The time ran out before I would have lost the second match, so I went 1-0-1 that round, winning me my block of four players at the tournament!

I had a great time drafting my deck and a lot of practice playing against flying creatures and an aggressive deck!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

MTG: Booster Draft

Well, since there is a local booster draft for Magic: The Gathering, tomorrow, I figured I'd go enter. Honestly, I've never drafted before, so I really can't say how I'll do, but I'll let you know. From what I do know, we'll be playing two rounds Swiss.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pulled This

So, I opened up a few packs of Buddyfight Neo Enforcer (yugiohmint.com sent them to me) and look who I pulled! 

Buddy Police Decker Drum was one of my main goals for the set and I got him as foil! Looks like I'll have to find an opening for him in my Hero World deck!

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Look what came in the mail for me!

It's my order from yugiohmint.com! I ordered on Monday and it arrived on Thursday (today) which really shows that they are not fooling around when it comes to customer service! I bet you're wondering what's inside, eh? Well, you'll have to wait until tonight, when I'm going to do a video in boxing on my YouTube channel. 

Super big thanks to yugiohmint.com! They are so good and knowledgable in their products and it's easy to see just how much they care about their customers and the players of various card games!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Buddyfight Hundred

Today is the day that the first two trial decks of Buddyfight Hundred are released! First, there's Crimson Fist, introducing the new Crimson attribute for Dragon World! Then, Hero World enters the fray with the first-ever Hero World trial deck, titled Radiant Force! 

Make sure you check out yugiohmint.com since they always stay up to date on the new releases!  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Warning!: Hot

Yesterday, my friends and I created a very interesting custom scenario for Mechwarrior. My friends presented the idea for a volcanic scenario and I added my thoughts to create this crazy mission.

The goal was to capture the volcano in the center of the table, but we had to be careful, because the volcano could destroy and heat up units inside it!

Now, keep in mind that we were very ready to lose units to the rather dangerous volcano as we had brought 900-point forces. I brought a faction-pure Dragon's Fury force that was fast-moving  and rather adaptable. My opponent brought a Spirit Cats force, with Clan Nova Cat allies. My opponent had a much more slow-moving, but fearsome force.

I had the first turn, which I was happy to get, because it allowed me to get my 'Mechs into the volcano on Turn 1! Surprisingly, the volcano took very few casualties, only killing a few units, albeit a 153-point one amount those. 

Here was one of funniest moments of the game:

I had carefully moved this formation up, meticulously measuring to make sure they would get the opposing 'Mech in range while staying out of range the very scary enemy tank formation. I would move a tank, measure, move it a bit more, measure some more and so on until I was satisfied with its placement, then move onto the next unit. My opponent and I had quite the chuckle over just how much I cared about those units. It actually did pay off, however, as my units managed to severely damage their target without taking too much fire, or just being destroyed entirely!

Anyway, this was an awesome game! The 900 points really allowed my opponent and I  to take more risks and try out whole new strategies. The Dragon's Fury are still treating me great, especially when fighting against heavily armored lists.

Oh, and as a side note, I won!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Micro Tank Battle!

Look what just came in the mail for me!

It's the rule book for Brickmania's new WWII tabletop miniatures game! (The one demoed at World War Brick) Now, I'm sure you already know I'm a big fan of using Legos for miniatures, so it should come as no surprise to you that I was extremely enthuisiastic to review this game when Brickmania gave me that chance!

 After looking the rules for a bit, I've decided that I really like the simple, but useful combat chart and damage application and everything is super easy. As a result of this, it appears that the game is both fast and fast paced, the base game taking a bit under half an hour (at casual game speed). To be honest, the more I write about this game, the more it makes me want to play it!

Also, let's not forget about the awesome Lego miniature tanks! There are several different tanks for each side (Americans and Germans) and, although the rules for making your own Battleforce are not provided, I'm sure you could make a "points per tank" chart fairly easily. I haven't built any tanks yet, but when I do, I'll try to remember to post pictures!

Make sure you head over to Brickmania's website, www.brickmania.com to pick up a copy of the rules, or even the complete starter kit. Thanks for reading and thanks to Brickmania for the awesome rule book!

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Happy International Tabletop Day! I hope to get a game in but I'm not sure if it will happen...

Friday, April 10, 2015


Wow. This post is so right. (https://thetransitgate.wordpress.com/2015/04/08/table-talk-mfz-isnt-a-wargame/) It is well-written and addresses some very real concerns for the way MFZ is played. I'm still having trouble coming up with words to describe just how correct this post is! Anyway, go check out The Transit Gate Podcast while you're there. You won't be disappointed!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mechwarrior Team Smackdown!

I played a great game of Mechwarrior today! It was a team game, with each player on each two-person team getting 450 points and three orders per turn. My teammate selected a Spirit Cats and Clan Nova Cat house alliance and I decided on a faction-pure Dragon's Fury force. Our opponents were playing a dangerous, long-ranged game with House Liao and the Highlanders.

The fifty minutes passed incredibly fast. It was a cautious game, each team advancing slowly and staying in cover. When the fighting finally got going, however, it was intense! The three mechs on our opponent's side began taking potshots, some of the coming out of cover to fire at one of my teammate's tanks. Then, my Jupiter mech stomped up and started pummeling the enemy mechs. Even though not many points were scored in this game, my team was victorious by getting some hover bike kills earlier in the game!

This just makes me more excited for my next game!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Last Night's Game

Well, in a sudden turn of events, I managed to get an 1850-point game of Warhammer 40K in last night. I was playing Space Wolves against Orks. 

Now, I thought that I would have a few turns to shoot at them and then be able to beat them in close combat once I had whittled them down.  I was very, very wrong. My first indicator that this was going to be difficult was that my opponent deployed only wheeled units. Something like fifteen Warbikes and five Trukks! Three of the Trukks had a deadly team of Bully Boyz each and the other two had small squads of Boyz inside. The Orks got the first turn, killing my bigger squad of Long Fangs and a few terminators. Then, on my turn, the carnage began. The Warbikes and Skyclaws clashed hard and my Blood claws attacked one of my opponent's Trukks. I wasn't actually doing too bad at this point! On my opponent's turn, most of the rest of my units got bogged down in close combat, pretty much ending the game for me. Now, I did manage to hold on until Turn Five, when the game ended and I had three miniatures left on the board. Ouch!

My opponent had built a great list that blended protection and efficiency into a ruthlessly fast game. 

Oh, yeah, the reason I don't have any pictures posted is because my phone died as soon as the game began...

Well, I had a lot of fun playing against a super nice opponent and it was a great way to spend the night!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Game Day!

Haha! Today I'll be getting together with some friends for a day of gaming fun! Hopefully, we'll be able to play some of my group's favorite games, like Seven Wonders and Mechwarrior: Age of Destruction! It promises to be a fun day!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Mechwarrior: Dark Age and Age of Destruction

About a week ago, a member of a gaming group I am in said that they were getting rid of their collection of Mechwarrior clix miniatures and that they would give them to whoever could give them a new home. I quickly volunteered, since I've had a fair amount of experience with the miniatures and own a small collection of them.

On Saturday morning, (03/14/15) we both pulled into a parking lot where we had agreed to meet after a sudden change of plans. As they opened the trunk, my jaw dropped, literally. The  entire trunk was filled with toolboxes, fishing boxes and a bag. I never guessed that a collection that I was getting for free, would be that big! To be honest, I'm still not positive of everything I have. I have to keep going back and digging through it to check if I have that faction or this miniature here or there. It's such an awesome collection and I'm very happy I was able to give it a good home.

Basically, what I am saying is that you may be seeing a lot of Mechwarrior stuff very soon! I'd like to even do a Battle Report at some point, but we'll see...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dragon Week Day 7: The End

We end the week very fittingly. We end the the week with Cardfight: Vanguard's Dragonic Overlord The End!

He's a Grade 3 card, whose full potential is unleashed when he rides Dragonic Overlord. If you thought Schwarzchild Dragon was the only Dragon to have a scary Persona Blast, wait until you hear The End's! When this unit's attack hits, you can Counter Blast two cards and discard a card named Dragonic Overlord The End from your hand to activate a devastating effect. By paying the cost, Dragonic Overlord the End is able to Stand once again to crush his enemies! One of the best parts of his ability is that it can be activated more than once per turn, as long as you can pay the cost! This is the perfect way to end the game, grinding your opponent into the dust!

Unfortunately, his ability can be shut down by guarding his attack, so it's best to activate it late in the game, when you need that final rush for victory.

Did I mention that the artwork is amazing? One version of the card even has the line "the End shall never fall!" printed in gold foil lettering!

Dragonic Overlord The End, in my opinion, is the only way to end Dragon Week! Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed the week!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Dragon Week Day 6: Pokémon Dragon Typing

Have you seen the Dragon types in the Pokémon TCG? If you haven't, they're a fairly new type and both puzzle and intriuge me.

Dragon Type cards have a goldish-green look to them and are usually weak to Fairy Types. Their retreat cost is low/medium. The odd (and cool) thing about them is that you don't use Dragon Energies to power their attacks. Instead, they use a combination of other energies! For example, a certain Goomie needs both a Water Energy and a Fairy Energy to power its attacks, while a Deino needs a Psychic Energy and a Dark Energy to attack. 

Now, if you've been paying attention and you understand how Pokémon deck building works, you might have seen how useful these cards can be for combo-color decks. That also means that you can't (very successfully) play a deck with the only Type being Dragon.

In closing, all of the Dragon Type Pokémon I've seen have been built to bridge the gap between two Typea in multi-Type deck. They are extremely situational deck building-wise, but can have a tremendous impact on the game with their powerful attacks and unique abilities! I can't wait to see the Dragon Type become more used and better supported! Who knows, maybe one day we'll get the right cards to built a single-Type Dragon deck! 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dragon Week Day 5: Black Dragons

Now we're back to Buddyfight! The Black Dragons are quickly becoming more and more supported, so I figured I'd devote a whole post to them!

So, Black Dragons are an archetype of Darkness Dragon World, meaning that they have access to a majorly scary repitoire of destruction and defense spells. They have some good offensive set spells like Pain Field and Crisis Field as well.

Okay, it's time for me to write about what I consider staple cards in a Black Dragon deck! (I'll tell you some of the abilities of each card, then move on to tell you about the Black Dragon's main gimmick)

Death Dragon, Deathgaze Dragon is a must-have! He is a size 1 monster with 6000/2/1000 in the order of Power/Critical/Defense so he's clearly an offensive monster. (Perfect for the Black Dragon play style!) He also costs one gauge to call, which isn't bad considering he has the awesome ability "Spectral Strike." Spectral Strike causes two damage to your opponent whenever Deathgaze destroys one of their monsters. Deathgaze is great at opening up your opponent's center position or playing in a rush kind of strategy, using him to run your opponent's out of monsters while damaging them.

Great Evil Dragon Samael Apocaslypse is much more of a specialist weapon for the Black Dragons, but can be incredibly useful when you need him. He has 8000/1/7000 with Double Attack. However, he's not free! In fact, he costs three gauge to call! Possessing the same Spectral Strike as Deathgaze, he can be a killer rush-style card.

Black Dragon Shield. Come on, it's in the name. Need I say more?

Even though I already mentioned them, I'd like to talk about Crisis Field and Pain Field. Crisis field costs one gauge and is a Set Spell. It gives all monsters on your field with Spectral Strike Power +2000. That's a nice power bonus for a lot of Black Dragons.

Pain Field is another Set Spell. It costs two gauge and you must take one damage. Whenever your opponent nullifies one of your attacks, they take one damage AND they can only gain life with their Buddycall. That is a scary, scary card for only two gauge and one damage.

Well, that's about it. I'll tell you, though, before I saw some of the truly powerful rush attacks of the Black Dragons, I wa snot impressed with Darkness Dragon World. As you can believe, they quickly changed my mind!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dragon Week Day 4: Blue-Eyes White Dragon

You know, the one from Yu-Gi-Oh? Possibly the most well known monster in the game? 

Anyway, Blue-Eyes was at one point, (at least in my neighborhood) the monster that everyone wanted to have! I mean, it was almost a myth until last year, when I happily received a Yu-Gi-Oh structure deck named "Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

Then, Blue-Eyes changed from a myth to beast with mythical power. He absolutely crushed my opponents in the early days of having that deck and after some modifications to the deck, he became easier to summon with the addition of two more Blue-Eyes.

Now, enough about its story and how much it means to me, let's learn about the card. 

Blue-Eyes is a normal monster, so no abilities. However, it has a whopping 3000 ATK and a fair 2500 DEF. It's incredibly high ATK stat makes a scary card to have to attack. Unfortunately, besides its high attack, it doesn't have any special abilities of its own. The combos you can create are awesome, though! Here are some now!

Favorite Combo:

Use the XYZ monster Wind-Up Zenmaister's ability to trigger Maiden with Eyes of Blue's ability (when she is targeted by a card, she summons Blue-Eyes from the hand, deck or graveyard) and poof! Blue-Eyes appears!

Second Favorite Combo:

Use Dragon Shrine to send Blue-Eyes to the graveyard, then call it back using Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's ability (Summons a dragon monster from your graveyard once per turn).

These are the combos that I use the most! Try them out and tell me what you think!

I think Blue-Eyes is an awesome dragon to have, both for its story and for the sick 3-card combos you can pull off using it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dragon Week Day 3: Schwarzschild Dragon

Now we're jumping into a dragon from Cardfight: Vanguard! (I told you all dragons would be welcome!) Now, CF: Vanguard has some pretty sick dragons and I'll be talking about one that is truly unforgettable!

Schwarzschild Dragon is actually part of  a ride chain, one that starts with the Grade 0 monster, Micro-Hole Dracokid, then rides to Grade 1 Gravity Ball Dragon and Grade 2 Gravity Collapse Dragon, finishing, of course, with Schwarzchild Dragon. Like most ride chains, this one has several countermeasures to prevent Gradelock. (If you ride the Grade 1, you can search the top 5 cards of your deck for the Grade 2 or Grade 3 of the ride chain)

However, Schwarzchild really excels in the realm of his Persona Blast! It's Limit Break 4, by the way. By Counter-Blasting 3 cards and discarding a Shwarzschild Dragon from your hand, you can increase your Vanguard Schwarzchild Dragon's power by 10000 and its critical by 1! That's not all, though! You can also lock up to three of your opponent's Rear-Guard units! In one turn, you can effectively cripple your opponent's offense for next turn and wear down their defense with Schwarzchild Dragon's punishing attack!

Even though the Persona Blast requires a bit of luck to pull off, when you do get it off it can be devastating! I would highly recommend getting some Schwarzchild Dragons from yugiohmint.com! (They carrot them for quite cheap and as singles)

I love talking about the mighty Schwarzchild Dragon and its ride chain, so leave a comment below if you feel like it! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Dragon Week Day 2: Blue Sky Knights

For day 2, I'm  going to talk a for a bit about monsters from Buddyfight, more specifically, Dragon World.

The Blue Sky Knights (BSK) are an interesting subtype of Dragon World. Unlike regular Armordragons, their power and defense are surprisingly low. On the bright side, they cost very little gauge, so you can spend more gauge on spells, impacts and items. Their critical numbers are not spectacular, either.

However, their main gimmick is somewhat simple, but incredible useful. The BSK use all manner of ways to increase the player's life points. BSK Drum Bunker Dragon gets you one life when he attacks, Bonblade Dragon gives you one life when he enters the field and Crimson Arrow Dragon gives you two life when he enters the field when there are two or more BSK in the drop zone.

The Blue Sky Knights even have an equip card to go with them! It's called Dragonblade, Dragowing! It starts with a critical of two and costs one gauge to equip. It also gains a critical every time you gain life, to a maximum total of three critical.

As you can see, the BSK are not the most powerful subtype of Dragon World, but they play great as a sort of hybrid tank/rush type of deck. The Blue Sky Knights are a deck I would love to build, given the time and the money!

I hope you enjoyed my analysis!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dragon Week Day 1: Salamence

To kick off Dragon Week, I thought I'd do a little throwback to Pokémon Week and talk about my Salamence-focused Pokémon TCG deck. Just a heads-up before I say any more about it, this deck does not fit in the Limited Format, I'm purely playing this deck for fun within a small group of friends.


Ah, okay, so, in order to get Salamence to the field, we have to evolve him first from Bagon, then Shelgon. This means it needs to be easy to find one of Salamence's lower stage evolutions, which isn't hard because the deck is draw-heavy. I chose three Bagon, two Shelgon and one Salamence (I would have put another Salamence into the deck but I didn't have another one).

Next, let's see what types this deck is running, shall we? The Salamence deck is Fire and Normal-typed, focusing more on the Fire side of the deck. For Fire Pokémon, I like to run some Stage 1s like: Rapidash, Charmeleon and Macargo. For the Normal types, I like  Delcatty, Raticate and, of course, the Stage 2 Salamence.

Now, because of Salamence's unique attack, Dragon Finish, I need to put both Fire and Water type energy cards in my deck. I tend to run a ratio of about 1:1 for energy types. However, even though his attack costs 4 energies, 2 Fire, 2 Water, it is worth the cost. Th player I given a choice, they can discard 2 Fire energies to deal 100 damage to the defending Pokémon OR they can discard 2 Water energies to deal 100 damage to a Pokémon on your opponent's bench! This makes Salamence twice as useful, even though he has to have a steady stream of energies coming to him.

Now, as you might be able to tell, the Stage 1s are there only as backup and protection for Salamence. This is what makes the deck so risky and exciting! It's a constant race with my opponent rose if I can get Salamence out first or if they can defeat me before I get him powered up!

I hope you enjoyed the first day of Dragon Week! Check back tomorrow for Day 2!

The Week of Dragons Begins!

Hello, this week, we have another weeklong event on Creative Wargaming! Much like, Pokémon Week, there will be one post per day, each focusing on a different card, combo or miniature. 

Unlike Pokémon Week, however, the topic is a bit more broad. All dragons will be welcome in Dragon Week! 

Well, what are you waiting for? Let's start Dragron Week!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Perfect Pack 01: Golden Buddy Pack!

Today marks the release of Future Card Buddyfight's first Perfect Pack: Golden Buddy Pack! I'm super excited about this, even though I've only been a member of the Buddyfight community for a short time. How fortunate is it, then, that yugiohmint.com carries the new Pack! (Make sure you check them out and pick up a few packs or even a box!) Anyway, the cool thing about GBP is that every card in the set  is a RR card or higher and it has a ton of Buddyrare monsters! I'm stoked about this being released and for the new episode of Buddyfight on YouTube, tonight! As Buddyfight's main Magic World user, Tetsuya, would say, "Peace out, yo!"

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Quick Sale!

Hurry and check out Yugioh Mint! Click the banner and order from them before it's too late! Seriously though, yugiohmint.com is having a sale for Creative Wargaming readers that use the coupon code war at checkout! You get 10% off your order and $5 off shipping! However, this deal will only last for a few days (until Valentine's day) so be quick about it!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

New Sponsor

All right, if you haven't seen the new banner up at the top of this page, I have a new sponsor. The store is called Yugioh Mint and they really do have an impressive collection of cards. Check out their website at yugiohmint.com or click on the banner to be taken there directly! They focus on Yugioh and Cardfight: Vanguard cards, but they also carry a bit of the Pokemon TCG, Magic: the Gathering, Future Card Buddyfight and Weiss Schwarz, which makes me very happy because I play most of those games. Besides those, they carry some great gaming supplies, like card sleeves, dice and playmats.

I will be ordering from them soon and so should you!

Monday, February 2, 2015

XY Primal Clash!

Hey, everyone, since I've been playing an awful lot of the Pokemon TCG lately, I'm super excited for the release of Pokemon: XY Primal Clash! This set features the mighty Groudon and Kyogre and also the Primal Reversions of these awesome legendaries! They released today, so go check them out!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Almost Stolen

( I wrote this post a week and a half ago, but I'm going to keep it in the perspective of the day after it happened) Well, I had a bit of a scare yesterday morning. At around midnight, my family's van got "rummaged through" by what we think were a small group of teenagers. The bulk of what was taken was my Magic and Cardfight Vanguard decks. (They were in there because the main people I play with live a considerable distance away and that way I don't have to load them up every time.

Anyway, the scumbag theives took off with my cards, only to realize that nothing in there has any resale value. So, they ended up tossing the bag into my neighbor's driveway only half a block down the street. I ended up getting all of my cards back, undamaged, and even got to play a game of Cardfight Vanguard this afternoon, mostly thanks to my neighbor. I guess everything turned out all right! So, there's an interesting wargame story that just happened to me!