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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Warning!: Hot

Yesterday, my friends and I created a very interesting custom scenario for Mechwarrior. My friends presented the idea for a volcanic scenario and I added my thoughts to create this crazy mission.

The goal was to capture the volcano in the center of the table, but we had to be careful, because the volcano could destroy and heat up units inside it!

Now, keep in mind that we were very ready to lose units to the rather dangerous volcano as we had brought 900-point forces. I brought a faction-pure Dragon's Fury force that was fast-moving  and rather adaptable. My opponent brought a Spirit Cats force, with Clan Nova Cat allies. My opponent had a much more slow-moving, but fearsome force.

I had the first turn, which I was happy to get, because it allowed me to get my 'Mechs into the volcano on Turn 1! Surprisingly, the volcano took very few casualties, only killing a few units, albeit a 153-point one amount those. 

Here was one of funniest moments of the game:

I had carefully moved this formation up, meticulously measuring to make sure they would get the opposing 'Mech in range while staying out of range the very scary enemy tank formation. I would move a tank, measure, move it a bit more, measure some more and so on until I was satisfied with its placement, then move onto the next unit. My opponent and I had quite the chuckle over just how much I cared about those units. It actually did pay off, however, as my units managed to severely damage their target without taking too much fire, or just being destroyed entirely!

Anyway, this was an awesome game! The 900 points really allowed my opponent and I  to take more risks and try out whole new strategies. The Dragon's Fury are still treating me great, especially when fighting against heavily armored lists.

Oh, and as a side note, I won!

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